Staying Out Of The Shallow End Of The Office Pool?

Ontarians are increasingly trying to better their chances of winning the lottery by sharing the cost of buying their lottery tickets with co-workers. The concept is simple in theory, by pooling your money together with friends and/or co-workers you can buy many more tickets with various numerical combinations.
The simplicity of the office lottery pool can be easily lost when a winning ticket is drawn. This is because most office pools are set up in an informal manner. After all, who needs to create rules to account for how to manage something as unlikely as winning the lottery? Who needs rules when we trust our co-workers to do the right thing and share in the joy of wealth?
Whether you organize or play in an office pool, it is wise to remember the expression “money changes everything”. People play the lottery to win. For this reason, it is good practice to know who in the office is in the pool, how are they paying to play, and who is accepting the responsibility of making sure the tickets are bought.
The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation website provides an online tool to encourage people to think of how to answer questions relating to Group Play. Those failing to organize an office pool ahead of time risk losing all the joy of claiming a winning ticket.
Oatley Vigmond has developed its own office lottery pool based on the experience it has gained in helping the wrongfully excluded to claim their part of a winning ticket. If you or someone you know has hit the jackpot but had their prize taken away we might be able to help.