What Do I Need to Know Before Taking My Kids Trail Riding

Trail riding is becoming an increasingly popular sport in Ontario. There is a vast array of off-road trails available for exploration to experienced ATV and dirt-bike riders through membership with the Ontario Federation of Trail Riders (“OFTR”). There are training facilities available to those whose interest is just developing.
Whether you already own an ATV or dirt-bike or are just beginning to ride, it is important to understand the requirements to use these types of vehicles before venturing onto public lands. These requirements are captured in the Off-Road Vehicles Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.4 and do not apply in respect of off-road vehicles operated on a highway.
Unless you are planning only to use an ATV or dirt-bike on your own private property you must have your off-road vehicle registered with the Ministry of Transportation. You must also have, at a minimum, a valid G2/M2 or greater driver’s licence. This requirement is relaxed to allow a child under the age of 12 to drive an ATV or dirt-bike on land occupied by the owner of the off-road vehicle. A child under the age of 12 can also operate an ATV or dirt-bike under the close supervision of an adult. An unlicensed rider however cannot ride on any public roads even if the only reason to use the public road is to access a connecting trail.
Another important requirement is to have your ATV or dirt-bike insured under a policy of liability insurance. The need for insurance protects off-road vehicle owners and drivers in the event a person is injured because of their negligent acts or omissions. Insuring your ATV or dirt-bike will also protect you in the event that you are seriously injured while riding. Policies covering off-road vehicles provide for “no fault” benefits that pay for medical, rehabilitation and other expenses. If you, or someone you know, have suffered injuries while riding an off-road vehicle, a personal injury lawyer may be able to help.