Giving Back
Oatley Vigmond is committed to helping improve our clients’ quality of life even after a case has concluded. That’s why we give our time and financial resources to the support of hospitals who serve those seriously injured by trauma, as well as to hospitals devoted to the rehabilitation of the seriously impaired. We also support the health care providers who work in such hospitals and in the rehabilitation community. Our role is not only to provide the best possible legal representation, but also to ensure that communities are set up for long-term success.
In addition to the support we provide to hospitals and the rehabilitation community, we also support a number of different associations within our community. We understand that supporting your community does not just mean financially which is why we also provide support to many organizations by donating our time, abilities and expertise.
Brain Injury Association of Sudbury & District

The Brain Injury Association of Sudbury and District (BIASD) is a community association dedicated to supporting acquired brain injury survivors and their family members. Their funding comes from fundraising events, an annual golf tournament, donations, advertising and membership fees.
To support BIASD, Oatley Vigmond sponsors their annual golf tournament which we look forward to every year.
Brain Injury Society of Toronto
Brain Injury Society Toronto (BIST) supports acquired brain injury (ABI) survivors and their family members. Their members consist of children, parents, teenagers, spouses and grandparents,
Some of the programs and services that BIST runs include peer mentoring, ABI educational sessions and conferences, as well as community events to help raise funds and awareness within the community.
Oatley Vigmond, as part of the PIA, are proud annual BIST platinum sponsors.

Brain Injury Association of York Region
The Brain Injury Association of York Region (BIAYR) is committed to helping individuals, and their loved ones, who are dealing with an acquired brain injury. Their focus is to provide awareness, education and advocacy.
Oatley Vigmond remains a proud BIAYR annual platinum sponsor.
CIBC Run for the Cure
The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation hosts the CIBC Run for the Cure annual event, Canada’s largest single-day, volunteer-led event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.
Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform (FAIR)
Fair is a not-for-profit organization for motor vehicle accident victims who have been injured in collisions and who have struggled with the current auto insurance system in Ontario.
Oatley Vigmond is proud to be a corporate sponsor of the FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Benefit Reform since 2012.
Barrie Food Bank
Many people rely on the Food Bank for the basic necessities we take for granted. The purpose of the Food Bank is to provide temporary food relief to individuals and families who are in need, and to serve as a resource to guide them along the road to self-sufficiency.
We at Oatley Vigmond collect and donate food and other necessities to our community Food Bank multiple times a year. We encourage everyone to seek out their community Food Bank and donate what you can.
The Frontline Fund
The firms of PIA Law: McLeish Orlando, Oatley Vigmond and Thomson Rogers partnered with The Frontline Fund to raise urgently needed funds in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. From November 24 – December 22, 2020, PIA Law matched all confirmed donations, raising a total of $64,441.
The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund
Oatley Vigmond proudly supports The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund. Inspired by Chanie’s story and Gord’s call to build a better Canada, the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund aims to build cultural understanding and create a path towards reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. The Fund’s work centres around improving the lives of Indigenous people by building awareness, education, and connections between all Canadians through their core programs Legacy Schools and Legacy Spaces.
The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund invites you all to answer Gord’s call – to “Do Something” – and commit to doing a reconciliACTION. ReconciliACTIONs are meaningful actions that move reconciliation forward and act as the catalyst for important conversations and meaningful change, recognizing that change starts with every one of us and each person can make an impact.
Hamilton Health Sciences
Hamilton Health Sciences is a family of six hospitals, a cancer centre, and an urgent care centre. They are recognized for their patient care and research.
Hamilton Health Sciences has one of the most research intensive environments for medical research in Canada. They support more than 500 researchers and their research teams, and foster the development of students and research fellows.
To support Hamilton Health Sciences, we sponsor multiple conferences throughout the year including the HHS Partners in Trauma conference, the Acquired Brain Injury conference, as well as the annual Focus on Neurotrauma conference.
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Oatley Vigmond, as part of the Personal Injury Alliance, has supported the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital through monetary donation.
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is Canada’s largest children’s rehabilitation hospital focused on improving the lives of kids with disabilities.
Lawyers Feed the Hungry
The Barrie Lawyers Feed the Hungry program (BLFTH), launched in September of 2015, partners with the Salvation Army – Bayside Mission to serve meals to the vulnerable and impoverished in the Barrie community. The Salvation Army serves dinner seven days a week and can serve up to two hundred guests. The BLFTH sponsors the dinner served every second Wednesday of each month assisting the Salvation Army with their daunting task of feeding the hungry in the community. Teams of Oatley Vigmond lawyers and support staff volunteer their time to personally serve BLFTH-sponsored meals on a regular basis.
MADD Canada
Oatley Vigmond as a member of the Personal Injury Alliance has been a proud sponsor of MADD Canada. As part of this sponsorship, PIA Law has been a Title Sponsor of MADD Canada’s National Strides for Change run/walk and has worked closely with MADD Canada to support their Victim Services program.
United by a shared belief that there is no excuse for driving impaired, MADD Canada and PIA Law are committed to ensuring that victims of impaired driving crashes and their families receive the best possible support during their time of grieving and recovery.
To learn more about MADD Canada, visit
Oatley Vigmond continues to work closely with MADD Simcoe County, our local chapter. We support the chapter’s annual Strides for Change walk/run/roll. Associate Rayanna Gray sits on the Board of Directors for MADD Simcoe County, where she helps to promote the chapter’s initiatives of raising awareness about impaired driving and support local victims and their families.
To stay up to date with MADD Simcoe County, follow their Instagram: @maddsimcoecounty.
March of Dimes
March of Dimes is a community-based rehabilitation and advocacy charity for people with physical disabilities. March of Dimes helps to enhance the independence and community participation of people with physical disabilities everyday through a wide range of programs and services across the country.
Oatley Vigmond supports March of Dimes by sponsoring the Barrie March of Dimes Brain Injury conference annually.
Ontario Brain Injury Association
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) is a provincial not-for-profit, charitable organization that works to enhance the lives of Ontarians living with the effects of acquired brain injury (ABI) through education, awareness and support.
Oatley Vigmond sponsors OBIA’s bi-annual conferences on acquired brain injury to help educate the community on ABI and ABI programs.
Seasons Centre for Grieving Children
The Seasons Centre for Grieving Children supports families in Simcoe County who are grieving the death or life-threatening illness of a loved one by providing peer to peer support programs, in a safe home-like atmosphere for children, teens, and families in need. The Seasons Centre is close to our hearts as Oatley Vigmond represented the founder of the Seasons Centre, who lost his two young daughters in a car accident in the 90’s. We have also had many of our clients use the centre’s services.
Oatley Vigmond partners presented the Seasons Centre for Grieving Children with a cheque for $10,000 in the Fall of 2015 and the firm is looking forward to working closely with the organization for years to come.
Oatley Vigmond, as part of the Personal Injury Alliance, has supported the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital through monetary donation.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), affiliated with the University of Toronto, is Canada’s most research-intensive hospital and the largest centre dedicated to improving children’s health in the country. As innovators in child health, SickKids improves the health of children by integrating care, research and teaching.
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (formerly known as Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario) is an organization that champions excellence in service, advocacy, and quality of life for people with spinal cord injuries.
Oatley Vigmond was a founding partner of the Peer Support Program over 20 years ago. The Peer Support Program is one of the many avenues that Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO) supports people with spinal cord injuries. The purpose of this program is to improve people’s quality of life through client services and case management.
Additionally, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO) holds an annual Wheelchair Relay Race. Oatley Vigmond has taken part in this event for many years from committee membership, entering teams, and sponsoring a Children’s Village.
St. John Ambulance Barrie Simcoe Muskoka
For over 70 years, St. John Ambulance Barrie Simcoe Muskoka branch has been providing our community with first aid and other healthcare related courses and remains dedicated to saving lives at work, home and play.
With over 230 volunteers contributing over 36,000 hours of community service a year, St. John Ambulance is an integral part of the community offering such unique and innovative programs as; medical first response, disaster response, car seat clinics, health and safety related youth programs and therapy dog services.
As a charitable, humanitarian organization, proceeds from St. John Ambulance’s first aid training and first aid product sales directly support these vital community services programs.
Oatley Vigmond proudly sponsors the Barrie Muskoka branch’s entry in the annual Barrie Dragon Boat Festival.
Sunnybrook Health Science Centre
Sunnybrook Hospital is a trauma hospital committed to discovering new treatments, ensuring the health and safety of its patients, and teaching current and future health care leaders.
Sunnybrook’s ground-breaking research changes the way patients are treated around the world. They have over 200 scientists and clinician scientists.
Oatley Vigmond has made a substantial 10 year donation commitment to support Sunnybrook’s trauma, emergency and critical care program as well as funding their Traumatic Brain Injury program to help with research and operational costs.
Additionally, we work in conjunction with Sunnybrook in the organization of bi-annual conferences that investigate cutting-edge assessment and treatment strategies for patients with brain injuries. All conference proceeds are donated entirely to the Sunnybrook Brain Injury Program.
Toronto Acquired Brain Injury Network
The Toronto Acquired Brain Injury Network (ABI Network) connects people with acquired brain injuries (ABI) to the services they need. They are a recognized leader in ABI and work to improve access to high quality, publicly-funded ABI services.
The ABI Network holds a bi-annual conference that Oatley Vigmond is proud to sponsor.
Toronto Rehab Institute
The Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (TRI) is part of the University Health Network (UHN) and the largest rehabilitation hospital in Canada. They help people overcome the challenges of disabling injury, illness or age-related health conditions to live active, healthier and more independent lives. The rehabilitation programs at Toronto Rehab include brain and spinal cord rehab, cardiac rehab, complex continuing care, geriatric rehab, long-term care and musculoskeletal rehab.
Oatley Vigmond has made substantial donations over a seven year period to help support Toronto Rehab’s Neuro Rehab program. We also donate educational funds to support and promote rehab workers.
We continue to sponsor the Toronto Rehab Mild Traumatic Brain Injury conference and Best Practices Day conference annually.
Additionally, we work in conjunction with TRI in the organization of bi-annual conferences. All conference proceeds are donated entirely to Toronto Rehab.
Women & Children’s Shelter of Barrie
The Women and Children’s Shelter of Barrie is a registered non-profit charity to support women who have left abusive relationships with or without children in the community. All services are free of charge and confidential. The Women & Children’s Shelter is committed to providing quality programs and services to women in Simcoe County who are survivors of gender-based abuse and violence.
In 2013, Oatley Vigmond ran a Pajama Drive to help provide the Women & Children’s Shelter of Barrie with some much needed pajamas, slippers and socks. In total, we donated 77 pairs of pajamas, 50 pairs of socks and 20 pairs of slippers! Since then, the Oatley Vigmond FUN Committee has made regular annual donations of upwards of 50 pajama sleepwear sets each and every Holiday season.