You may be surprised to learn that not all brain injuries are obvious, and severe trauma is not required in order to sustain a potentially life-altering brain injury. This article […]
Oatley Vigmond is thrilled to announce that nine of the firm’s partners have been included in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada™. Since its inception in 1983, […]
As the leaves start to turn colour, and children are back in school, it is a good time to outline the importance of getting to and from school safely. Driving […]
Summer is towing season. But whether you are towing your RV, boat, camper, ATV, or simply a load of back-to-school furniture, safety on the road should always be top of […]
The winter season can be gruelling in Canada. For that reason, many local residents enjoy warm and sunny getaways to the Caribbean starting this time of year. Although Caribbean resorts […]
It could be a flat tire, an electrical failure, or just an empty fuel tank – at some point, most people will experience a mechanical problem while driving. But are […]
As 2020 has trickled into 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has continued, and many Ontarians are still working from home and driving a lot less. So how can drivers pay less […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered many aspects of your legal rights as citizens of Ontario. The latest restriction comes with the provincial government’s passage of the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act, […]
We sometimes hear that a car accident was “inevitable” or “unavoidable,” but what does that really mean? An inevitable accident is one that was not intended and which, under all […]