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Articles by: Adam R. Little

Protecting “Sorry” – The Apology Act

In the past, doctors and other health professionals have been known to avoid apologizing when mistakes or bad outcomes happen, for fear that saying “sorry” could be interpreted as an admission of guilt or fault.

Travel Medical Insurance – Are You Protected?

Unfortunately, travel insurance companies can sometimes be difficult to deal with when emergencies arise, especially if the injured or ill traveller does not understand the “fine print” of the policy they purchased.

Liability for Defective Products

n Canada, each of the provinces has also legislated a “Sale of Goods Act” which makes sellers or retailers of products responsible for, among other things, hidden defects which are not obvious upon inspection.


Without causation, there can be no compensation.

Municipal Liability for Sidewalks

Most of the time, the sidewalk in your neighbourhood is probably a safe and convenient place to go for a stroll. However, sometimes sidewalks can shift, crack, deteriorate, and in the winter season become covered in ice or snow.

The Abdallah Case: How Far is too Far?

“A jury trial is a fight and not an afternoon tea.” That observation from a 1915 decision remains as true today as when it was first written. However, jury trials have rules – and the boundaries of what a trial lawyer can say in front of the jury are restricted to ensure fairness and to avoid miscarriages of justice.