With alternative business structures (ABS) promising to be a key focus of debate for the legal profession this year, it’s clear significant opposition will be coming from at least one part […]
Oatley Vigmond personal injury lawyer Brian Cameron was recently interviewed by Ed Hand on 1310 news radio to discuss both the legalities and risks of drinking and boating. Brian is a frequent contributor to media interviews […]
Oatley, Vigmond personal injury lawyer Brian Cameron recently was interviewed by Jim Richards on Newstalk 1010, to discuss both the legalities and risks of drinking and boating. Brian is a […]
What exactly is wexting? Are you guilty of doing this?
Oatley, Vigmond recently represented OTLA as an intervener in the following case, which was appealed to the Divisional Court of Ontario.
Any business that serves alcohol has specific legal obligations with respect to the service of alcohol, the most common of which is not to serve alcohol to minors. However, there are also limitations on serving people of any age.
There is no doubt that drinking and driving your car is reckless behaviour that is no longer socially acceptable. The same social condemnation does not exist in the boating community.
liability of the Province of Ontario and municipalities in motor vehicle accident cases.
Aviva refused to accept the conclusion of its own doctors and argued that suffering a single marked impairment was insufficient. It denied further medical and rehabilitation benefits based on an incorrect interpretation of the law.