As seen on the Monday, February 1, 2021 CTV Barrie news broadcasts: To learn more about the class action lawsuit against Roberta Place, please click here.
A $50-million class-action lawsuit against the owners of Roberta Place alleges gross negligence led to a devastating COVID-19 outbreak that infected all but one resident and claimed more than 60 lives in January. Jarlette […]
Roberta Place in Barrie, Ont., has seen a startling rise in COVID-19 cases at its long-term care home recently, as well as 53 deaths in just the last few weeks. […]
This year, in lieu of a physical mailer, Oatley Vigmond’s holiday campaign is called 12 Days of Giving – a series of twelve surprise charitable donations made during the month of December. Recipients […]
In April 2015, the Ontario government announced that insurance companies would be required to offer drivers a discount for choosing to put winter tires on their cars and trucks. The […]
Courtesy of guest author Lori-Ann St. Louis, (Hon(s)), MSW, RSW Director of Social Work at Abilities Rehabilitation Services In March of 2019, had you told me that in a year from […]
Many Ontario hockey arenas are currently considering precautions that would limit access to dressing rooms this winter. This means that some players may be asked to arrive ready to hit […]
As is confirmed in Section 38(2) of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, an insurer is not liable to pay an expense in respect of a medical or rehabilitation benefit, or […]
We have seen many decisions released over recent years that deal with the issue of catastrophic assessments and their costs. Arguably, it is now settled that catastrophic assessments are to […]