Last November, Oatley Vigmond Partner Troy Lehman joined Global News AM980 CFPL’s “London Live” to talk about Daylight Saving Time and how it can potentially impact driving behavior, sleep habits, […]
Undertakings motions are probably the most common motion brought in personal injury litigation. Even if you’ve never given an undertaking, you can do this motion. Here’s an outline of how. […]
Insurers are required to give their claimants determination notices within 10 business days of receiving treatment and assessment plans. Such notices must identify the items for which the insurer agrees […]
What is an accident for the purpose of an accident benefits claim in Ontario? This question has been addressed at the courts, FSCO, and the LAT on many occasions. Cases […]
Dogs are man’s best friend. But to a person with a disability, a dog is more than that. Fully trained service dogs can provide a level of independence and security […]
If the roads look busier now that school is back in session, it is because they are. Every school day there are roughly 825,000 students travelling to their classes by […]
Witnesses are what make litigation exciting (and a little terrifying). There are two instances in civil litigation where we typically prepare witnesses; our client before their discovery, and our witnesses […]
Being involved in a motor vehicle accident is traumatic and recovering from injury can certainly be difficult. When we consider that the claims experience can also be challenging and invasive, […]
Putt-ing the PAR in Partnership