Even the best drivers can become involved in a car accident. Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act creates a duty to report to police any accident that results in personal injury, property […]
Service animals can make a profound difference in the lives of those suffering serious injuries and disability. Recently, the ejection of a Florida woman from a flight due to the […]
People sometimes need to move out of their existing residences and into new ones following motor vehicle accidents. This may occur due to accessibility issues such as can arise following […]
Insurer imposed examinations tend to have quite significant impact upon our clients. Such examinations are not only disruptive to routine, but they are often also perceived as being invasive, stressful, […]
Running a yellow light can be illegal. This type of behavior is governed by s.144(15) of the Highway Traffic Act. It reads: Amber light s.144(15) Every driver approaching a traffic […]
Surprisingly, another insurer has taken another swing at trying to suggest that the costs of catastrophic assessments ought to be paid as a medical and rehabilitation benefit. There have now […]
We are pleased to report on a decision released in relation to one of our present clients. This hearing, 17-005604, B.D. and Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company, was led by our […]
An energetic quartet of Oatley Vigmond lawyers enacted their best ‘KISS’ impersonations at Habitat Huronia’s 2018 Casa SIP SAVOUR SING event on Thursday September 13th. Billed as an “epic lip-sync […]
If you are hosting a stag and doe, wedding, cocktail party, or Christmas party you will want to investigate an Event Alcohol Liability Policy. This type of policy provides protection […]