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Articles by: Oatley Vigmond

“I Bent My Fender… What Do I Do Now?”

Even the best drivers can become involved in a car accident. Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act creates a duty to report to police any accident that results in personal injury, property […]

Service Animals and the Law

Service animals can make a profound difference in the lives of those suffering serious injuries and disability. Recently, the ejection of a Florida woman from a flight due to the […]

V802 – An Insurer’s Obligation to Pay Rent

People sometimes need to move out of their existing residences and into new ones following motor vehicle accidents. This may occur due to accessibility issues such as can arise following […]

Stag and Doe Liability: What Should You Know?

If you are hosting a stag and doe, wedding, cocktail party, or Christmas party you will want to investigate an Event Alcohol Liability Policy. This type of policy provides protection […]