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Articles by: Oatley Vigmond

Accident Benefits Ontario Website Launched

Oatley Vigmond has launched a complimentary resource website for accident benefits in Ontario. The site is designed to support and answer questions of those injured due to motor vehicle collisions, […]

How Safe Does Your Child’s School Have to Be?

The duties owed by educators to maintain safety in Ontario’s elementary and secondary schools are prescribed under the Education Act and its regulations, but also by the Occupiers’ Liability Act […]

V302 – Is Chronic Pain a Minor Injury?

A minor injury is defined as one or more of a sprain, strain, whiplash associated disorder, contusion, abrasion, laceration or subluxation and includes any clinically associated sequelae to such an […]

Clearing Ice from Your Home and Vehicle

Icicles and frozen snow look very pretty in the sunlight. However, should they break loose, they can cause serious damage or even death. Ice and snow buildups are often caused […]