Oatley Vigmond has launched a complimentary resource website for accident benefits in Ontario. The site is designed to support and answer questions of those injured due to motor vehicle collisions, […]
M.F. was injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident on January 29, 2015. A treatment plan requesting approval of an attendant care assessment was denied by her insurer […]
There have been several decisions over the years that have dealt with catastrophic impairment and costs of catastrophic assessments. Here are just a few highlights: – As was stated in […]
Thank you to everyone who supported the 5th annual Oatley Vigmond Ladies Event. Photos from the event are now available by visiting the following Pixieset page: https://oatleyvigmond.pixieset.com/ovladiesevent-2018/
The duties owed by educators to maintain safety in Ontario’s elementary and secondary schools are prescribed under the Education Act and its regulations, but also by the Occupiers’ Liability Act […]
The most tragic accidents often involve a driver hitting a pedestrian. It may surprise you to learn that it is not an offence to accidentally kill or injure a pedestrian. […]
A minor injury is defined as one or more of a sprain, strain, whiplash associated disorder, contusion, abrasion, laceration or subluxation and includes any clinically associated sequelae to such an […]
When people require assistance with their personal care, they sometimes turn to trusted family members or friends for help. In contrast, others prefer to have their needs met by way […]
Icicles and frozen snow look very pretty in the sunlight. However, should they break loose, they can cause serious damage or even death. Ice and snow buildups are often caused […]