What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. The sentiment of the famous tagline for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority used to apply to underage drinking in the home […]
Insurer examinations are impactful to our clients. It’s hard for them to accept that the insurer is questioning whether a benefit should be paid, and the process of revisiting everything […]
It seems to be with ever growing frequency that we see medical and rehabilitation benefits exhaust in the course of active accident benefits claims. For those who are seriously injured […]
Receiving a denial of a treatment plan can be both disappointing and disruptive to care. While insurers do have the right to render denials, it is important to note that […]
By now most of us have probably entered into some form of contract through email, the internet, or some other electronic means. A person can avoid the physical need to […]
Oatley Vigmond client Corey Dixon has been featured in a story by CBC Hamilton. Mr. Dixon is being represented by lawyers Robert Durante and Ben Irantalab. For the full article, […]
The partners at Oatley Vigmond are pleased to announce that Kevin Henderson has been admitted to the partnership. For more information on Kevin, please click here.
Some witnesses face more challenges taking the stand than others. Vulnerable witnesses with a history of severe anxiety or difficult courtroom experiences may be unable to give their evidence in […]
Video coverage of the recent Little v. Floyd Sinton Ltd. landmark $7 million jury verdict, shown as a featured story on the Monday, December 18th, 2017 broadcast of CTV Barrie’s 6 pm […]