Oatley Vigmond Personal Injury Law Firm 1-866-269-2481

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Articles by: ov2

Bicycle Safety

Bicycling is a fun and popular activity which many of us enjoy recreationally, for sport, and for commuting. It leaves virtually no carbon footprint. To encourage cycling, towns and cities […]

Injuries Suffered At Birth

How common are injuries at birth? Studies have found that in the United States, there are between 5 to 27 birth injuries per 1,000 babies born.

Sharing the Road

A bicycle is a vehicle under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act (HTA). This means that a bicyclist has the same rights and responsibilities as anyone else using a road. It also means that motorists share the same responsibilities towards bicycle riders as they do to other motorists.

Drafting Common Motions

A primer for law clerks on how to draft common motions in Ontario personal injury lawsuits.