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Articles by: Troy Lehman

Drugged Driving

Many illegal drugs and some prescription drugs can impair a person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle. It is a criminal offence to drive while your ability to operate a […]

Halloween Safety

As a parent of three boys I know that kids get very excited about Halloween. As a personal injury lawyer I know that Halloween can also be dangerous. More child […]

Insurance Claims and Your Privacy

If you have a claim against an insurance company there is a good chance that you will be the subject of surveillance. In personal injury and disability insurance claims it […]

Distracted Driving

In 2013, the OPP dealt with 78 deaths from distracted driving crashes compared to 57 deaths in impaired driving crashes and 44 deaths in speed-related crashes. People in Ontario know […]

The Duty of A Homeowner to Remove Ice and Snow

There are many things to dislike about a Canadian winter. Heading outside to shovel or salt your driveway isn’t much fun when the temperature is -20, however, if you fail to shovel and salt your driveway or walkway you are putting yourself at risk to get sued.

Liability of Party Hosts

What happens if you host a party and one of your guests gets impaired, drives away and is involved in a car crash where an innocent person is catastrophically injured? The answer is that you might get sued.

Ewing (Litigation guardian of) v. Conte

This is an important decision involving an injured person’s ability to access justice without delay. It involves a woman who suffered a catastrophic brain injury when she was hit by a motor vehicle as a pedestrian. The case was commenced in Barrie, where trial dates are readily available. The defence brought a motion to transfer the trial to Toronto. The Toronto system is backlogged and a transfer to Toronto would have meant that the trial would be delayed for three years.