Automated Speed Cameras Are Almost Here

Last summer, Barrie City Council approved an automated speed enforcement (ASE) program to improve safety in school zones and community safety zones.

The speed cameras are almost ready. The City of Barrie has installed “coming soon” signs in two school zones. Once the speed cameras are operational, the sign will be replaced with another sign saying “Municipal Speed Camera in Use.”

The City of Barrie will start with cameras at the following locations, and the cameras will be rotated every few months:

  • Eastbound on Big Bay Point Road near Willow Landing and St. Michael the Archangel Catholic elementary schools
  • Southbound on Anne Street North near Portage View Public and Nouvelle-Alliance schools.

Click here for more details on the City of Barrie’s Automated Speed Enforcement program.

The City of Toronto has used automated speed cameras since January 2020, and recently published a report regarding data/trends since the beginning of the program. The City of Toronto analysis confirmed the speed cameras were effective in significantly reducing the number of vehicles speeding, and the overall vehicle speeds, in community safety zones and schools.

We anticipate that the Barrie speed cameras will be effective at causing drivers to slow down, and therefore reduce the amount and severity of motor vehicle collisions.

We also anticipate that the cost of the Automated Speed Enforcement program will be offset by the revenue generated by fines. The cost of the pilot program is capped at $300,000 per year. In Toronto, a single camera generated over $2.2 million in speeding tickets in 10 months.