Barbecue Season is Back – Let’s Make Sure It’s a Safe One

The days are getting longer, and the weather is getting warmer. Soon backyard barbecues will make their return for the summer. It is timely to remind ourselves of useful fire safety tips.
When buying a new barbecue, safety should be the primary concern. The Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs recommend only purchasing barbecues approved by Canadian Standards Association or Underwriters Laboratories of Canada.
At the start of every barbecue season it is important to inspect and clean your barbecue. This includes inspecting the burners, hoses, and tubes. Replace any rusted or damaged burners. A cracked or damaged hose could lead to a gas leak. Any debris or insects underneath your burner can increase the risk of fire.
After you have inspected your barbecue, you should inspect your fuel source. If you are using a propane cylinder, consider having it inspected and recertified. If you are unsure of the age of your cylinder, check the manufacturing date.
Be strategic about the location of your barbecue. It should only be used outdoors avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. When choosing a location, ensure it is in plain view and free from obstructions. You will also want to make sure it is on level ground and away from combustible materials.
While using a barbecue, ensure that you are using proper equipment. For example, a barbecue brush can be dangerous if bristles detach from the brushes (learn more on this issue here). Make sure you are wearing proper attire, such as gloves, and safe cooking utensils.
A barbecue requires constant attention and monitoring. When finished cooking, turn off the burners, and gas supply, and close the lid.
Using a barbecue is common and can often become routine. Yet, as with any other routine activity, complacency can result in accidents. By keeping our barbecues safe, we can ensure an enjoyable and safe summer!