Oatley Vigmond Personal Injury Law Firm 1-866-269-2481

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Brain injury litigation is one of Oatley Vigmond’s primary practice areas. Across our 40 year history, we have secured some of Canada’s largest multi-million dollar brain injury verdicts and settlements. We offer absolutely free legal consultations for Ontarians, and you do not pay until we win your case.

Call 1-866-269-2481

Do you have questions about traumatic brain injury and starting a lawsuit? Please click here to get answers to questions we are most frequently asked about brain injuries and personal injury lawsuits.

A concussion is a head injury that can result in temporary loss of awareness or alertness. A skull fracture is a break in the cranial bones, and can be categorized into four types: linear fractures, depressed fractures, diastatic fractures, and basilar fractures. Intracranial hematoma refers to blood clots in or around the brain, including epidural hematomas, subdural hematomas, and contusions. Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is a common injury caused by the shaking of the brain and can range from mild to severe, often resulting in a coma and damage to multiple areas of the brain.

A brain injury is a life-altering event that can have a wide range of adverse outcomes, both short-term and long-term. It’s important to recognize that no two brain injuries are exactly alike, and the health effects experienced can vary greatly from person to person. These effects can generally be grouped into four categories, shedding light on the challenges individuals may face following such an injury.

Cognitive effects are among the common consequences of a brain injury. These effects pertain to the processes of thinking and thought processing. Individuals may experience difficulties with memory, struggling to remember information or events. Judgment and planning skills can also be affected, making it challenging for individuals to make decisions or organize tasks. Poor attention and focus are often observed, affecting the person’s ability to concentrate on specific activities or sustain attention for prolonged periods.

Physical effects can significantly impact an individual’s daily functioning ability, making it difficult to perform basic activities of daily living. Mobility can be compromised, resulting in balance problems and coordination challenges. Everyday activities like walking become a potential obstacle. Fatigue is a common physical effect, often leading to exhaustion and reduced stamina. Muscle weakness is another physical side effect of brain injury, making movements more difficult and requiring additional effort to perform tasks that were once routine.

Behavioral effects of a brain injury can be complex and unique to each individual. Individuals may exhibit behaviors that are uncharacteristic after sustaining a brain injury. Emotional and psychological changes can contribute to behavioral shifts. Depression is a commonly observed effect, characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities. Anger and irritability can also manifest, with individuals experiencing frequent outbursts or difficulty managing their emotions. Impulsivity (acting without considering the consequences) and social dysfunction (difficulty interacting with others) are additional behavioral effects that can significantly impact an individual’s functioning and relationships.

Emotional effects are another aspect of the aftermath of a brain injury. Individuals may undergo significant emotional and see that reflected in their ability to process and regulate emotions. The process of emotional adjustment can be challenging, leading to feelings of grief and loss, as individuals come to terms with the changes in their abilities and lives. Mood swings, where emotions fluctuate rapidly or unpredictably, can also occur, adding to the emotional challenges faced by individuals with brain injuries.

Why Rehabilitation Is Recommended

It is essential to understand that the effects of a brain injury are highly individualized, and each person’s experience may differ. Rehabilitation programs and support systems tailored to the specific needs of the individual can play a crucial role in addressing and managing these effects. By providing targeted interventions and assistance, individuals with brain injuries can enhance their recovery, adapt to their new circumstances, and improve their overall quality of life.

Absolutely free legal consultation

We offer free consultations and promise to waive all legal fees in the case of an unsuccessful claim. Oatley Vigmond gives concussion victims and brain injury survivors the help they need to achieve lifelong financial stability.

Understanding Concussions

A concussion is by definition an injury to the brain. Sometimes brain injuries are called head injuries. Usually concussions result in mild brain injuries, but even mild brain injuries can have serious consequences to someone’s ability to function. Any trauma to the head can result in a so-called concussion.

No two concussions or head injuries are the same. The symptoms and effects can be very different in each case. As a result, some people dismiss the early signs and symptoms as “nothing,” and wait until they get worse before seeing a medical professional. It is important that you speak with a medical professional any time you sustain any sort of head trauma. Because head injuries are cumulative, it is important that your medical doctor have a history of any significant trauma to your head.

The symptoms of a concussion can include:

● Balance problems or dizziness
● Trouble with focus or comprehension
● Double or fuzzy vision
● Sensitivity to light or noise
● Nausea
● Feeling sluggish, foggy or groggy
● Feeling unusually irritable
● Concentration or short term memory problems
● Fatigue

The very nature of a concussion compromises your normal brain activity. Sometimes people find themselves unable to work and function properly in their activities of daily living.

There are many law firms that claim they can help you following an accident that results in a concussion. The Oatley Vigmond approach and our experience in head injury cases is what sets us apart. We have acted for thousands of people with this kind of injury. Many of our lawyers are Certified Litigation Specialists by the Law Society of Upper Canada; the only body that governs Ontario’s lawyers ensuring that the people of Ontario are served by lawyers who meet high standards of learning, competence and professional conduct. Our experienced personal injury lawyers help seek compensation and address immediate needs while recovery is taking place in the hospital.

We have a proven history of advocating and winning on behalf of people with mild brain injuries and their families. Our lawyers, accident benefits specialists and support staff work side by side to offer the highest level of legal guidance to see a case through to a successful settlement. Over the course of a lawsuit we develop a special relationship with our clients; many of whom have been involved in accidents resulting in a concussion. We encourage you to listen to what our clients say about our lawyers, accident benefits specialists and the Oatley Vigmond approach.

Oatley Vigmond represents people who have been involved in accidents which have resulted in concussions across Ontario.

If you have been seriously injured please Call 1-866-269-2481

What happens if I suffer a brain injury?

Most individuals suffering from traumatic brain injury are hospitalized for extended periods. They often are rendered incapable of returning to work. Paying for rehabilitation and intensive care is difficult enough; having to plan financially for a life without employment income can be overwhelming.

We help our clients achieve financial security so that they can look past these stressors and focus on their recovery. Brain injury survivors who have chosen Oatley Vigmond have consistently obtained settlements that help them achieve stability and normalcy.

Drawing on our extensive network of health care providers in the community, we’ll ensure your recovery includes access to the best health care specialists, including a rehabilitation team that is fully committed to your treatment and long-term well being. We connect traumatic brain injury survivors with psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, social workers, rehabilitation support workers, and more.

Many brain injury survivors require lifelong care and rehabilitation to manage chronic symptoms. In addition, we assist with counselling for the families, to help them cope with the changes to their loved ones.