Gyorffy v. Drury, 2013 ONSC 1929 – Plaintiff Allowed to Give Corroborating Evidence On Threshold Issue

Oatley, Vigmond has represented the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA) in several important cases where OTLA intervened on behalf of injured people in Ontario. OTLA was formed in 1991 by lawyer acting for injured plaintiffs. Their goal is to promote access to justice, advocate for safety initiatives, and protect the rights of injured people. Oatley Vigmond recently represented OTLA as an intervener in the following case, which was appealed to the Divisional Court of Ontario.

Click here to read a summary of this appeal.

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Brian Cameron joined Oatley Vigmond in 1999 after obtaining his law degree from Western University. Beginning his journey in an articling position, fresh out of law school, the first case he argued in court was a small claim’s trial for the firm’s then-senior partner, who was suing a dry cleaner who’d lost three of his dress shirts. Brian won that action for $285 plus costs, and has been with the OV team ever since. He became a partner in 2008.

To learn more about Brian, please click here.