How To Avoid Accidents At Four-Way Stops

Drivers who crash at four way stops usually do so because they were not paying attention. A driver who fails to see and subsequently runs a stop sign is more likely to crash. Further, drivers cannot assume fellow road users are paying attention. The mere existence of a stop sign does not mean that other vehicles will stop. It is important to pay attention at four-way stops. Do not proceed if there is any uncertainty about an approaching vehicle’s ability to stop.

Behaving properly at four-way stops may also help with accident avoidance. Generally, the following two rules apply. First, the vehicle that arrives first has the right of way. Second, if both vehicles arrive at the same time, the vehicle to the left should yield to the vehicle to the right.

While four-way stops are undoubtedly safer than two way stops, accidents still happen. Drivers cannot assume other vehicles are going to stop. Therefore, it is imperative that drivers pay attention to their surroundings and behave properly at such intersections.

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