Insure Your Off-Road Vehicles

The law in Ontario requires that off-road vehicles be insured. It is an offence to drive an uninsured off-road vehicle. It is also an offence to allow someone else to drive your uninsured off-road vehicle. People convicted of these offences are subject to hefty fines.

If your uninsured off-road vehicle is involved in a crash in which someone is injured, paying a fine may be the least of your worries. A person who is injured because the driver of an off-road vehicle was negligent can sue both the driver and the owner of the off-road vehicle. If you do not have adequate insurance, a lawsuit can result in financial ruin.

Insuring your off-road vehicle will also protect you in the event that you are seriously injured while driving the vehicle. Policies of insurance covering off-road vehicles provide for “no fault” benefits that pay for medical, rehabilitation and other expenses.

Most people wouldn’t think about driving their car or truck without insurance. The risks are simply too great. However, many people do not obtain insurance for their dirt-bikes, ATVs and snowmobiles. This can be a terribly costly mistake.

Written By

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Troy Lehman joined Oatley Vigmond in 2006 and became a partner in 2010. As a personal injury lawyer, his greatest satisfaction comes from helping people through to the other side of a difficult time in their lives. “We’re here to help and relieve stress,” Troy says. “When I walk into a first meeting with a client, people are often scared and anxious. And for me, the best thing that can happen at the end of the meeting is that they say, ‘I feel so much better.’

To learn more about Troy, please click here.