School Bus Safety

With our kids recently returning to school, school bus safety is likely on all of our minds. When we send our kids out the door in the morning, we all hope for a productive, yet safe, day at school. This includes a safe trip to and from school.
Unfortunately, school bus safety has made negative headlines lately. With the increase of distracted drivers on the road, there have been more reported instances of drivers who are failing to stop for school buses and children.
The Ontario Provincial Police have reported numerous incidents of school age children facing close calls as motorists fail to stop for school bus stop signs. It is important to talk to your children about looking both ways before crossing any street, even when the school bus is stopped with its lights on. It may also be prudent to talk to your children’s school bus driver about choosing optimal stop locations and the potential for distracted drivers.
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Liane is committed to representing individuals who have suffered serious personal injuries and to families who have suffered the losses of loved ones. Liane holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Windsor, where she received the Torkin Manes Cohen and Arbus award for combined academic achievement and service to the community, and the Charles J. Clark scholarship for academic excellence and involvement in community and volunteer activities. She was called to the bar in 2013.