Oatley Vigmond Summer Water Safety Contest

Oatley Vigmond is proud to partner with Red Cross Canada to help raise awareness of the importance of life jackets by kicking off Summer 2016 with a ‘water safety’ prize-pack contest!

Throughout the month of June, the firm’s social media accounts will be sharing a series of posts containing safety tips/reminders for many popular water activities (boating, swimming, etc).

This fun-filled Summer giveaway most notably includes a family water safety kit (containing 2 adult + 2 children-sized life jackets) among a variety of other Summer-themed OV prizes.

A winner will be selected on Monday June 27th – just in time for the Canada Day long weekend!

To enter the Oatley Vigmond Summer Water Safety Contest, simply click here.

Contestants are limited to one entry per person. Winner will be selected via raffle.

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