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bicycle safety

Drinking & Biking – The Law and Dangers

If you decide to drink, do not bike. However, if you choose to ignore this advice, it is important to know how you might be affected both criminally and civilly. […]

Bicycle Lights: See and Be Seen!

With the arrival of spring and warmer weather, the number of bicycles travelling on our roads has increased dramatically. While many cyclists have become aware of the significance of helmets […]

Bicycle Safety and Education

As the weather warms, we see more and more people, young and old, hitting the roads and trails on their bicycles. Biking is an activity that many of us take […]

Bicycle Safety

Bicycling is a fun and popular activity which many of us enjoy recreationally, for sport, and for commuting. It leaves virtually no carbon footprint. To encourage cycling, towns and cities […]

Sharing the Road

A bicycle is a vehicle under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act (HTA). This means that a bicyclist has the same rights and responsibilities as anyone else using a road. It also means that motorists share the same responsibilities towards bicycle riders as they do to other motorists.

Sharing the Road

A bicycle is a vehicle under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act (HTA). This means that a bicyclist has the same rights and responsibilities as anyone else using a road. It also means that motorists share the same responsibilities towards bicycle riders as they do to other motorists. Unfortunately, the interactions between bicycles and motor vehicles can lead to serious and deadly injuries.