The highest court in Ontario quotes from Roger Oatley’s book as authority in reversing a trial judge’s decision.

In a recent decision regarding disclosure of surveillance prior to trial, Iannarella v. Corbett (C.A.) 2015, the court of appeal refers to Roger Oatley and John McLeish as authority in reversing a trial judge’s decision. They go on to say that the power of surveillance comes from its nature as “real demonstrative evidence – evidence from which the trier of fact can draw factual conclusions”, as John A. McLeish and Roger G. Oatley note in The Oatley-McLeish Guide to Demonstrative Advocacy (Markham: LexisNexis, 2011), at pp. 249-50.

Click here for information on The Oatley-McLeish Guide to Demonstrative Advocacy.

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