There are no Fender Benders on the Water

Oatley Vigmond personal injury lawyer Brian Cameron was recently interviewed by Ed Hand on 1310 news radio to discuss both the legalities and risks of drinking and boating. Brian is a frequent contributor to media interviews regarding drinking and boating, and is considered an expert on the subject.
With summer in full swing, many people are enjoying their days relaxing, soaking up the sun and participating in many outdoor activities, including boating. It isn’t unusual for individuals to also consume alcoholic beverages during this time of year more frequently in social daytime situations. The question then becomes whether it is acceptable to mix boating and boozing. Is it legal? Are the dangers of boating under the influence as high as drinking and driving your car?
Did you know as much as 40% of boating accidents are alcohol related? The truth is, even though drinking and driving your boat is as illegal as drinking and driving an automobile, there doesn’t seem to be as much social condemnation surrounding it. In the clip below, Brian Cameron discusses why you should always keep your beer on the pier.
Click here to listen to interview.
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Brian Cameron joined Oatley Vigmond in 1999 after obtaining his law degree from Western University. Beginning his journey in an articling position, fresh out of law school, the first case he argued in court was a small claim’s trial for the firm’s then-senior partner, who was suing a dry cleaner who’d lost three of his dress shirts. Brian won that action for $285 plus costs, and has been with the OV team ever since. He became a partner in 2008.