Personal Injury Law Firm Toronto | Barrie | Ontario 1-866-269-2481

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Toll Free: 1-866-269-2481

Derek’s Story

Derek was a 25 year old recent college graduate when he was hit by a car while cycling. In the collision, Derek suffered a brain injury as well as multiple fractures and internal injuries.

“Without the expertise, caring, and professionalism given by Oatley Vigmond, it would have been a much more challenging time for our family.

I wondered sometimes, when I would contact someone at your office, if I was being an overprotective mother. Not once did I feel from you a sense of taking up anyone’s time with frivolous questions or inquiries. I was comforted when needed, informed when required, and supported constantly.

Thank you very much Oatley Vigmond for being there for Derek.”

 – Marion Breedon, Mother of Derek Breedon