Personal Injury Law Firm Toronto | Barrie | Ontario 1-866-269-2481

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Top Ten in Ontario by

Canadian Lawyer Magazine

Toll Free: 1-866-269-2481

Randy’s Story

Randy was injured in a motor vehicle collision. He suffered extensive orthopaedic injuries and a brachial plexus injury resulting in paralysis of his left arm. Oatley Vigmond brought lawsuits against his auto insurer and long-term disability insurer to recover the benefits that he deserved.

“We are very happy with the legal service provided by Oatley Vigmond LLP. They have the highest level of expertise and experience, and they obviously practice good business ethics. Roger Oatley’s team helped us keep on going until we reached a settlement and for that we will be eternally grateful.

We feel that the biggest strength of Roger’s team is that the treat their clients with respect. Everybody treated us like we were the highest priority. We know that the firm has a lot of clients but we felt like we were the special clients. We are sure they treat everyone equally.

When we came to see Mr. Oatley we had no hope. We had been with two different lawyers and saw no results until Oatley’s team took over. They get results! Thank you Roger Oatley and Troy Lehman!”

– Randy Atkinson