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Yves’ Story

Yves suffered a brain injury in a motor vehicle collision when he was 10 years old. He also sustained orthopaedic injuries which went on to heal, however Yves was left with some permanent cognitive deficits as a result of his brain injury. A settlement was reached on Yves’ behalf after Oatley Vigmond commenced a legal action against his accident benefits insurer.

“When I was just 10 years old I was in a car accident that had me hospitalized with serious bodily and head injuries and I was not expected to survive the night, but I did. I had to learn to talk, walk and eat on my own again. Fourteen years later my lawsuit was still ongoing and my treatment to recovery was very limited. In 2009, I met my girlfriend, Tammy, who miraculously worked in the personal injury industry. 

Recognizing the lack of support from my present lawyer (my family and I were hesitant on any form of change), but we finally agreed to be introduced to Mr. Robert Durante of Oatley Vigmond in 2010. Robert immediately put together a team of specialists to assist with my brain injury and physical difficulties. With Robert on my side, he settled my case in 2011 and obtained a settlement that allows me to continue with my lifetime treatment without financial stress. Robert also obtained for me, a large lump sum payment as well as a very generous monthly structure payment for the rest of my life. This monthly structure also takes into consideration all my future medical needs.

Both myself and Tammy cannot thank him enough for all he has done.”

– Yves Seguin