Personal Injury Law Firm Toronto | Barrie | Ontario 1-866-269-2481

Man Suffers Brain Injury in Car Accident

$5.5 Million Settlement

Our client, a construction worker, suffered a traumatic brain injury when the pick-up truck in which he was a passenger lost control and rolled on a rural highway. The driver of the truck was drunk at the time. 

A few days later, while in the intensive care unit of a hospital, our client was given an overdose of medication which caused his heart to stop. As a result of his injuries, he suffered from dementia and severe cognitive impairments. He was no longer able to work or care for himself, and needed a significant amount of ongoing treatments to support his quality of life. 

The litigation against the driver of the pick-up truck, the bar where he had been drinking, the hospital where he was overdosed, and the accident benefits insurer was settled for more than $5,500,000.