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Man Suffers Severe Elbow Deformity in Slip & Fall

$1 Million Settlement

A young married man and by-law officer suffered a severe injury to his left elbow while helping a friend shingle his roof. His friend did not provide him with any instruction or safety gear. While stepping up to an upper portion of the roof, the young man slipped and fell violently to the ground.

The fall was so bad that he sustained multiple fractures to his left arm, left leg, and face. He underwent a total of sixteen surgeries on his left arm. Despite these surgeries, he was left with a severe deformity and his left arm was left completely useless. He also underwent facial reconstructive surgery.

We sued the owner of the home and the owner’s father-in-law, who was an experienced construction worker overseeing the roofing project. The case settled prior to trial, for a total of $1,025,000.