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Mother of two girls dies when snowmobiler crashes into her

$776,000 Settlement

Our client was a wife and mother of two teenaged girls. One night, she and her husband went to visit with some friends at a cottage. Everyone at the cottage had been drinking that evening and everyone arrived on their snowmobiles. Later in the evening when it was dark out, the group of friends decided to go for a ride on the lake. Our client was riding her snowmobile on the lake when she fell off, and her friend who was following behind too closely, ran into her.

Sadly, our client died from the impact. Her friend never admitted fault and they didn’t even admit to striking our client. The defendants blamed our client for the accident because she had been drinking and she fell off her snowmobile. We were able to prove by way of forensic expert evidence that the friend struck and killed our client. We successfully settled the case shortly after a pre-trial conference for $776,000.