Personal Injury Law Firm Toronto | Barrie | Ontario 1-866-269-2481

Woman struck crossing the street by truck that failed to see her

$1.35 Million Settlement

Our client, a retired woman in her seventies, was crossing the street at a marked pedestrian crosswalk with her husband. She had the right of way. A truck making a left turn failed to see the pedestrians and hit both our client and her husband. The impact caused our client to suffer a brain injury, fractured pelvis, broken leg and a fractured vertebrae.

The insurance companies tried to minimize the client’s impairments and to make it appear that little had changed for her since the crash. In reality, this lovely woman had changed from a vibrant, outgoing retiree who loved to travel into a woman who rarely left the home and who suffered from significant problems with her memory, vision, mood and activity tolerances.

After a failed mediation and pre-trial conference, we were able to reach a settlement of $1,350,000.