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Young Man Injured by Worn Snowmobile Track

$1.2 Million Settlement

A young 20 year old man was severely injured when a dangerously worn track on a snowmobile shredded to pieces. The pieces flew off of the vehicle and struck him in the right tibia and fibula.  He sustained a Grade IV open fracture. The injury was so severe that his right leg was amputated below the knee.

We sued the seller of the snowmobile, who sold a used and dangerously worn 1996 Polaris to a young family. We also sued the owner of the snowmobile, who asked the young man to hold up the back of the snowmobile while he was attempting to make repairs. He revved the engine, which caused the track to blow to pieces.

Because of these individuals’ negligence, a young 20 year old man was forced to learn to walk again and live with a prosthetic leg. The case settled prior to trial, for a total of more than $1,200,000.