Three Oatley Vigmond Associates join Partners on 2022 Best Lawyers® List

Oatley Vigmond is proud to announce that in addition to all six of the firm’s Partners remaining listed, Best Lawyers ® has also listed three Oatley Vigmond Associates in the 2022 Best Lawyers ® Directory – Karen Vigmond, William Keele, and Erin Murray.
Best Lawyers ® is one of the oldest and most respected peer-review publications in the legal profession. A listing in Best Lawyers ® is widely regarded by both clients and legal professionals as a significant honour, conferred on a lawyer by his or her peers.
For more than three decades, Best Lawyers ® lists have earned the respect of the profession, the media, and the public, as the most reliable, unbiased source of legal referrals anywhere.
Please join us in congratulating each of the listed Oatley Vigmond lawyers on this achievement. They will be recognized inside The Best Lawyers in Canada (2022 Edition) within the following categories:
Brian M. Cameron CS (2017)
– Insurance Law
– Personal Injury Litigation
Robert M. Durante (2017)
– Insurance Law
– Personal Injury Litigation
Kevin Henderson (2021)
– Personal Injury Litigation
William Keele (*)
– Personal Injury Litigation
Troy Lehman CS (2017)
– Insurance Law
– Personal Injury Litigation
Adam R. Little CS (2017)
– Insurance Law
– Personal Injury Litigation
Erin Murray (*)
– Personal Injury Litigation
James L. Vigmond CS (2006)
– Medical Negligence
– Personal Injury Litigation
Karen Vigmond (*)
– Personal Injury Litigation
(Year) First year the lawyer was listed in the published practice area.
(*) Lawyers who are listed for the first time in Best Lawyers.