Most of the time, the sidewalk in your neighbourhood is probably a safe and convenient place to go for a stroll. However, sometimes sidewalks can shift, crack, deteriorate, and in […]
Whether you are towing your RV, boat, camper, ATV or just a load of trash to the dump, safety on the road should always be top of mind. Your towed […]
Did you know that the leading criminal cause of death and injury in Canada is still impaired driving? In an effort to combat Canada’s drunk driving problem, significant changes to […]
In May of 2013, 17 year-old Rowan Stringer died after suffering multiple concussions while playing rugby for her high school team in Ottawa. Sadly, a lack of knowledge surrounding treatment […]
Long-term disability insurance or LTD insurance provides wage replacement benefits in the event that you become injured or ill and can no longer work. It is usually provided by employers […]
Kids love to bounce. So, it is no wonder that sales of backyard trampolines have skyrocketed over the last 20 years. But with the increase in available trampolines, there has […]
For the last half century, science fiction stories haven given us a glimpse into futuristic worlds with far-fetched technologies and seemingly endless automation. Despite recent advances, we still have to […]
Although marijuana is currently legal in Canada when prescribed for a medical purpose, there is much public uncertainty about how and where it can be obtained and used. For example, […]
The use of cannabis or marijuana appears to have become much more common over the last few years. In fact, almost half of Canadians (including our Prime Minister) admit to […]