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Articles by: Adam R. Little

Municipal Liability for Sidewalks

Most of the time, the sidewalk in your neighbourhood is probably a safe and convenient place to go for a stroll.  However, sometimes sidewalks can shift, crack, deteriorate, and in […]

Things To Know Before You Tow

Whether you are towing your RV, boat, camper, ATV or just a load of trash to the dump, safety on the road should always be top of mind. Your towed […]

Canada’s Tough New Impaired Driving Laws

Did you know that the leading criminal cause of death and injury in Canada is still impaired driving? In an effort to combat Canada’s drunk driving problem, significant changes to […]

Long-Term Disability Insurance: Am I Covered?

Long-term disability insurance or LTD insurance provides wage replacement benefits in the event that you become injured or ill and can no longer work. It is usually provided by employers […]

Backyard Trampolines: Think Before You Leap!

Kids love to bounce. So, it is no wonder that sales of backyard trampolines have skyrocketed over the last 20 years. But with the increase in available trampolines, there has […]

Self-Driving Cars – Fact or Fiction?

For the last half century, science fiction stories haven given us a glimpse into futuristic worlds with far-fetched technologies and seemingly endless automation. Despite recent advances, we still have to […]

Driving and Drugs – A Criminal Combination

The use of cannabis or marijuana appears to have become much more common over the last few years. In fact, almost half of Canadians (including our Prime Minister) admit to […]