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Articles by: Oatley Vigmond

Building Relationships After A Brain Injury

You are lucky to be alive following a traumatic brain injury… but you don’t feel lucky. You feel lonely, and are frustrated, angry and do not understand why everyone you […]

Jim Vigmond Receives H. Bruce T. Hillyer Award

Oatley Vigmond Founding Partner James L. Vigmond was presented with the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA)’s H. Bruce. T. Hillyer Award on the afternoon of Thursday, May 25th, 2017. The H. Bruce […]

The Importance of Nutrition with TBI

Brain injuries disrupt the ability for your brain to function and think clearly. They may also affect your sense of smell or taste and/or affect your hormones. Most of us […]

Will My Vehicle Protect Me In A Crash?

In the late 1950’s Ford Motor Company introduced the Lifeguard options package. This optional package provided the Ford owner with seat belts and a dished steering wheel. Seat belts were […]

Is Your Child’s Car Seat Safe?

In December 2014, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California allowed a defective products class action lawsuit to proceed against a major child car seat manufacturer. While […]

How Permanent Is Social Media?

If someone told you 20 years ago that the incoming President of the United States would primarily communicate to the public using 140 character text messages typed on his phone, […]