Checking In with Lisa Stark

As Ontarians navigate the effects of COVID-19, it’s important for everyone to make an effort to keep in touch with friends and loved ones as best that they can. During the next few months, we’ll be reaching out to Oatley Vigmond’s lawyers, accident benefits specialists, and hard-working staff through a recurring “Checking In With _________” Q&A segment hosted on the firm’s website.
Today’s check-in is with Oatley Vigmond Accident Benefits Specialist Lisa Stark.
How she’s been spending her extra time at home this year:
“My life has changed dramatically. As a working mom with two young kids, my schedule has gone from super busy and at times chaotic, to quite simple now. There are aspects of the slower pace that I love and I hope to continue with after public health restrictions are lifted. We’ve been spending lots of quality time together as a family now without the distractions of our usual busy lives. Movie nights on an air mattress in our family room, teaching our kids how to cook and bake, and exploring nearby trails and forests together have become our new favorite activities!”
What she misses the most in life:
“Although I’m learning to appreciate the slower pace, I miss socializing with family, friends and colleagues.”
What meeting with clients has been like during a pandemic:
“We are meeting with new clients via teleconference or Zoom and it works, but it’s just not the same. I miss seeing people face-to-face. There is an element of the human connection that is lost over the phone or on a videoconference. I believe that trust and relationships are built with eye contact and handshakes. Will we ever shake hands again? It’s interesting to think about.”
The best television show she’s been watching recently:
“I’m slightly ashamed to admit it but I’d have to say Tiger King on Netflix. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life! The story is captivating and the characters are crazy and very strangely likeable. My husband and I binge-watched Tiger King and it was a much needed escape from current world events.”
What she has learned from the past few months:
“I’ve learned that this saying is true: “Silence is golden…unless you have young children. In that case, silence is very very suspicious.” I was enjoying a few moments of silence the other day while my eldest decided to give herself “chickenpox” all over her body with a purple marker while she was playing quietly in her bedroom. I’m happy to report that the marker was washable – phew!”
The first place she will go when quarantine restrictions are lifted:
“To see my parents then to the gym. I miss working out early in the morning before heading to the office. I’ve been doing Orangetheory Fitness classes for a year and half and I really miss the high intensity workouts and the community atmosphere.”