Drinking and Driving and Your Boat

There is no doubt that drinking and driving your car is reckless behaviour that is no longer socially acceptable. Interest groups such as MADD have led the fight against this drinking and driving, with significant success. Responsible people would never think of putting a beer in the cup holder of their car and heading to the cottage. They would not consider drinking on the dock all day and then taking a car full of friends for a joy-ride. They know the consequences and few want to risk large fines, long license suspensions and going to prison.
The same social condemnation does not exist in the boating community. Many responsible people will not hesitate to put a beer in the cup holder of their boat and tow wake-boarders. They will drink on the dock and go for a leisurely boat ride.
Social condemnation aside, most people are not aware of the consequences of drinking and driving on a boat. A person driving a boat while under the influence of alcohol could lose their license – not their boating license, but their license to drive a car. They face significant increases in their insurance. They run the risk of going to prison.
Think about this before you drink and drive your boat.
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Brian Cameron joined Oatley Vigmond in 1999 after obtaining his law degree from Western University. Beginning his journey in an articling position, fresh out of law school, the first case he argued in court was a small claim’s trial for the firm’s then-senior partner, who was suing a dry cleaner who’d lost three of his dress shirts. Brian won that action for $285 plus costs, and has been with the OV team ever since. He became a partner in 2008.