Preparing Your Property for Halloween Visitors
As a home owner, renter or lessee, you are responsible for keeping your property, driveways and walkways safe for the people who use them, which is particularly important while welcoming guests to your door on Halloween night.
We owe a reasonable duty of care to ensure a person coming onto or entering a premise is safe while they are there. Children of all ages will be very excited going from doorstep to doorstep, with costumes occasionally obstructing their vision or increasing the risk of tripping on obstacles in their path.
The weather can be very unpredictable this time of year. It’s best to be prepared by using salt or sand to keep walking areas clear of icy conditions. Be mindful of damaged or elevated changes in walkways or steps leading to the door. Cracks and gaps in stone can easily cause someone to trip and fall just as easily as they could slip and fall on slippery wet surfaces if it’s raining or snowing. Checking for loose handrails or actively removing debris (such as wet leaves lying around from the fall) are a couple of other ways to ensure that you keep your visitors safe.
October 31st is a night to light the way with Jack-o’-lanterns, but ensuring that all areas of your property are sufficiently lit is very important and will improve safe trick-or-treating this Halloween.
For more information on Halloween costumes and tips for safe trick-or-treating, please click here.
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Steven’s practice areas consist of brain injury, spinal cord injury, orthopaedic injuries, and other personal impairments. Prior to joining Oatley Vigmond in 2012, Steven worked as a claims manager in the insurance industry for more than 16 years, specializing in automobile accident collisions, personal injury and litigation. Years of experience in claims management has provided Steven with a unique insight into the insurance system and how insurance companies think. Now, he provides prompt and effective assistance to help Oatley Vigmond clients access the insurance benefits to which they are entitled following automobile collisions. He also helps assemble a reliable community of rehabilitation and long-term care specialists for our clients.