Sledding Safety: Don’t Let Your Kids Sled Without A Helmet

In the 1970’s and 1980’s ski resorts were full of young helmetless skiers. Few kids used helmets while cycling. Public awareness of the serious risk of head injury for skiers and cyclists has resulted in positive change. Nowadays almost all kids wear helmets while skiing and helmet use for child cyclists is mandatory.
Going to the local sledding hill is like being time warped to the 1970’s when it comes to safety. Kids sled at high speeds, over jumps, towards trees with nothing but a toque on their heads. Sleds can reach 40 km per hour. Every year, thousands of Canadian children are injured while sledding. The most common sledding-related injury requiring hospitalization is head injury. Research from the U.S. shows that 30 percent of children hospitalized following a sledding injury suffered significant head injuries. Many of these injuries resulted in permanent disability.
It’s tough to tell your 10-year-old to wear a helmet when his or her friends aren’t wearing one, but it’s the right thing to do.
Even with a helmet sledding can result in serious injury. Some sledding hills have hidden hazards, like poles and buried fences. If you or a loved one is seriously injured because of a hazard on a public sledding hill, it is a good idea to consult with a personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal rights.
About the Authors

Troy Lehman joined Oatley Vigmond in 2006 and became a partner in 2010. As a personal injury lawyer, his greatest satisfaction comes from helping people through to the other side of a difficult time in their lives. “We’re here to help and relieve stress,” Troy says. “When I walk into a first meeting with a client, people are often scared and anxious. And for me, the best thing that can happen at the end of the meeting is that they say, ‘I feel so much better.’