City of Barrie to Implement Speed Cameras in School Zones and Community Safety Zones

Note: an updated blog was updated on November 2, 2023. Please click here to read it.

On Monday, June 20, 2022, Barrie City Council approved an automated speed enforcement (ASE) program in school zones and community safety zones. The goal of this program is to improve safety in these areas.

Automated speed enforcement involves the use of a camera and speed measuring device to detect and capture images of vehicles travelling faster than the posted speed limit in school or community safety zones. If the ASE identifies a speeding vehicle, then the owner of the vehicle will be charged with an offence under the Highway Traffic Act. Vehicle owners will receive the notice of the offence in the mail within 30 days, along with information for next steps and the cost of the monetary fine.

Research has shown that speed cameras are generally effective in promoting safer streets. A publication from the American CDC summarized dozens of research studies regarding the effectiveness of speed cameras and red light cameras. The authors concluded that in places where speed cameras and red light cameras were used:

• Drivers reduced their speed by up to 15%.
• The quantity of speeding vehicles was reduced by up to 65%.
• The amount of motor vehicle collisions were reduced by 8-49%.
• The amount of serious or fatal motor vehicle collisions were reduced by 11-44%.

This pilot program is to commence with two mobile cameras, rotating throughout the City of Barrie. The City will hire a transportation technologist to supervise the automated speed enforcement program, study its effectiveness, and report on the costs and benefits. For 2022, Barrie City Council approved an upper spending limit of $300,000, for this pilot program. Council anticipates that program will largely pay for itself, with revenue from additional speeding tickets.

Click here for further information. Drive safe and slow down!

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