Oatley Vigmond is proud to announce that all seven of the firm’s Partners have recently been notified of their inclusion in the 2021 Best Lawyers ® Directory. Best Lawyers ® is […]
It likely started with Friendster – we then moved on to Myspace. Now we have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn and YouTube. There are many others, and there […]
Cannabis has become one of the most effective and popular medications for those suffering from chronic pain, depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, Cannabis, at least for many over 35, is still […]
In Ontario, if you loan your car to someone, you are responsible as the owner of the vehicle for all of the damage they cause to the same extent as if you were driving the vehicle yourself.
Congratulations are in order! For a second consecutive year, all Oatley Vigmond partners are being included in the forthcoming Best Lawyers annual lawyer listings. To browse the complete collection of 2018 […]
Best Lawyers is one of the oldest and most respected peer-review publications in the legal profession. A listing in Best Lawyers is widely regarded by both clients and legal professionals […]
Brian Cameron, Partner at Oatley Vigmond, was a guest of 570 News radio in early-March to discuss the legal implications of injuries sustained while traveling abroad, and to offer advice […]
Oatley Vigmond Partner Brian Cameron was a featured guest this week on NewsTalk 610 CKTB. Brian was asked by the station’s hosts to weigh in on the public outcry surrounding […]
The spinal cord is a very complex part of your nervous system that performs many functions including carrying messages between your brain and different parts of your body. The messages […]