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road safety

Is Your Child’s Car Seat Safe?

In December 2014, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California allowed a defective products class action lawsuit to proceed against a major child car seat manufacturer. While […]

Staying Visible In Winter Weather

With the winter months upon us, the crisp air and snow covered trees can be a breathtaking sight and an inspiration to get out and enjoy the winter wonderland. However, […]

Distracted Driving – Other Distractions

Distracted driving is the leading cause of collisions in Ontario. According to the Ontario Provincial Police, 2015 marked the third consecutive year that distracted driving exceeded all other categories for […]

Driving and Drugs – A Criminal Combination

The use of cannabis or marijuana appears to have become much more common over the last few years. In fact, almost half of Canadians (including our Prime Minister) admit to […]