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Social Media

Social Media’s Role in Lawsuits

There is no denying that the prevalence of social media has drastically increased worldwide over the past decade. A quick, informal Google search reveals that Facebook averages around 2.91 billion […]

Live Streaming Dangerous Driving

Many social media platforms have recently enhanced their services to include a live streaming function. Users can film themselves, and stream that video live to the internet. Unfortunately, people are […]

How Permanent Is Social Media?

If someone told you 20 years ago that the incoming President of the United States would primarily communicate to the public using 140 character text messages typed on his phone, […]

The Latest Word from FSCO and Judges on Relevant Facebook Production Issues

Social networking has become a worldwide phenomenon. Rare is the client in 2012 who is not participating in Internet based social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. In a personal injury context the widespread use of Facebook can present a problem for both plaintiffs and plaintiff’s counsel.