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Spinal Cord Injury

Eh-OK: Peter Athanasopoulos

“Exhibit Eh-OK” is a series of bonus episodes centered around positive, entertaining conversations with interesting guests, hosted by Oatley Vigmond personal injury lawyers Harrison Cooper and Lara Fitzgerald-Husek. This episode’s […]

Nutrition and Spinal Cord Injury

There are many health concerns associated with a spinal cord injury. While the most obvious concerns relate to mobility and day to day activities, nutrition is exceptionally important for those […]

Spinal Cord Injury & Vehicle Modification

It is not uncommon that survivors of spinal cord injury declare a return to driving as being one of their primary goals. Depending on the severity of injury, and the […]

Look Before You Leap: Shallow Water Diving

The Canada Day long weekend is a time for outdoor fun and cooling off in the water. There are many ways that people engage in water sports but often getting into the water means diving from a dock, pier, platform, balcony or boat. These activities, while fun, can be fraught with hidden dangers when diving into unfamiliar waters.

Swimming Pool Liability

Warm weather is finally here. Swimming pools are open and warming up. It’s time to get your pool noodles and water wings ready. As a pool owner, it is also time to consider the steps that you can take to protect yourself from liability.