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The Law and You

Distracted Driving Will Cost You

In Ontario, deaths from distracted driving have doubled since 2000. The government has responded to this dangerous practice by enacting a law, effective January 1, 2019, that significantly increases the […]

“I Bent My Fender… What Do I Do Now?”

Even the best drivers can become involved in a car accident. Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act creates a duty to report to police any accident that results in personal injury, property […]

Vaping In Vehicles – Is It Safe? Is It Legal?

Electronic cigarettes are the newest way to consume tobacco. E-cigarettes produce a vapour from liquid inside the e-cigarette that is vapourized by a heating element. Proponents of “vaping” suggest that […]

Insuring Your Off-Road Vehicles

ATV’s, dirt-bikes and snowmobiles can be a lot of fun. They can also be very dangerous. Every year, thousands of people in Canada are injured while riding off-road vehicles. Tragically, […]

I’ve Been Sued – Now What?

Every vehicle in the province is required to have insurance, but how does that insurance help you in the event that you get sued after a motor vehicle collision? You […]

Banishing the Schoolyard Bully

Bullying is aggressive behaviour that is typically repeated over time. It is meant to cause harm, fear, and distress or create a negative environment at school for another person. Bullying […]

Long-Term Disability Insurance: Am I Covered?

Long-term disability insurance or LTD insurance provides wage replacement benefits in the event that you become injured or ill and can no longer work. It is usually provided by employers […]