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The Law and You

Will My Vehicle Protect Me In A Crash?

In the late 1950’s Ford Motor Company introduced the Lifeguard options package. This optional package provided the Ford owner with seat belts and a dished steering wheel. Seat belts were […]

How Permanent Is Social Media?

If someone told you 20 years ago that the incoming President of the United States would primarily communicate to the public using 140 character text messages typed on his phone, […]

Legal Issues With End Of Life Care

When a loved one is critically ill and likely to pass away, many of us struggle with our emotions and have difficulty making decisions. For that reason, making decisions about […]

Driving and Drugs – A Criminal Combination

The use of cannabis or marijuana appears to have become much more common over the last few years. In fact, almost half of Canadians (including our Prime Minister) admit to […]

Seatbelts and the Law

The statistics are clear. Vehicle occupants who fail to wear a seatbelt are much more likely to injure themselves in the event of a crash than those who do. Ensuring […]

I’ve Been Summonsed For Jury Duty: What Now?

Many people dread getting summonsed for jury duty because it is inconvenient and can be a financial burden (you don’t get paid for the first 10 days and only get $40 a day after that). However, juries are a crucial part of our justice system and serving on one can be extraordinarily interesting.