‘The Law and You’ Spotlight Articles

Oatley Vigmond has partnered with Barrie Today to contribute a spotlight series of “The Law and You” articles.
The list of topics and links to these stories can be found below.
A friend borrowed my car and got into an accident – now what? [READ ARTICLE]
Troy H. Lehman, Partner, shares the risks and actions you can take to protect yourself
What happens if I suffer an injury from an item I purchased on Facebook Marketplace? [READ ARTICLE]
Karen Vigmond, Associate, offers advice for both online marketplace buyers and sellers
How to enjoy your cottage and not get sued this Summer [READ ARTICLE]
Lara Fitzgerald-Husek, Associate, shares what steps to take to ensure your cottage is safe for guests while protecting yourself from accident-related legal liability
Summer roadtrips – what happens if you’re injured outside of Ontario? [READ ARTICLE]
If you’re injured in a motor vehicle accident outside of Ontario and need to make an injury claim, there are a few avenues you can take depending on the scenario. Kevin Henderson, Partner, explains.
How to avoid dangerous towing hazards and keep our highways safe [READ ARTICLE]
Towing a boat, RV or trailer can be hazardous if proper precautions are not taken. Before you hit the road, Adam Little, Partner, shares towing safety considerations to ensure everything goes off without a hitch
“Flight from Hell” story a stark reminder about inflight turbulence injuries [READ ARTICLE]
While flying is relatively safe, injuries can still occur. So, where does airline liability come into play? Liane Brown, Associate, explains.
After a minor auto collision, this could save you from injury and paying compensation [READ ARTICLE]
Troy Lehman, Partner at Oatley Vigmond LLP, shares what drivers should do at the first sign of trouble
Five ways real-life law differs from TV and movies [READ ARTICLE]
The lawyers at Oatley Vigmond separate fact from fiction and explain how TV and movie makers are guilty of not telling the truth.