The Right to Sue is Alive and Well

It amazes me how often someone tells me that they have not taken legal action because they perceive that they do not have the right to sue. I suspect the insurance industry has done such a good job of selling the notion of “no-fault insurance” that many people believe the right to sue is gone. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Under the current auto insurance scheme every innocent victim has the right to sue for his or her economic losses. There is a restriction with respect to claims for pain and suffering, but if you have suffered a permanent impairment which affects your career path you can claim those damages. Every case is different, but if you have suffered a serious injury you probably have the right to sue and should consult a lawyer who is knowledgeable about car insurance.

You might be surprised that some people automatically assume that “no-fault insurance” affects the right to sue when they are injured and a car is not involved. In fact there is absolutely no restriction on any other type of lawsuit. You can sue for compensation when you are injured through the fault of another person just as people have sued for decades.

If you or someone in your family has been seriously injured you should almost always ask a knowledgeable lawyer for advise. Every few months someone tells me that they haven’t seen a lawyer because they are afraid of the cost, but good personal injury lawyers will provide an initial consultation for nothing. It could make a difference for a lifetime to obtain good advice.

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