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Life threatening infection after doctor failed to clean arm

$443,000 Settlement

An 11 year old girl was attending a pool party when she slipped from the edge of the above-ground pool and fell to the ground.  When she got up she noticed her left forearm was bent 45 degrees out of shape, so the girl grabbed her wrist and straightened her arm out herself. 

When she arrived at the emergency room at the hospital, the emergency doctor and the orthopaedic surgeon both failed to take the risk of infection into consideration when they treated the girl’s arm.  Despite diagnosing a compound fracture, these doctors failed to clean the area to minimize the risk of infection.  They ought to have known that any compound fracture where bone pierces the skin needs to be properly cleaned out. 

As a result of the negligent medical care she received at the hospital, the little girl suffered life-threatening infections in the tissues of her left arm.  She underwent 12 surgeries over the next 3 years, and was left with functional impairment, pain, and scarring.  We recovered $443,000 for the young girl prior to trial.