Personal Injury Law Firm Toronto | Barrie | Ontario 1-866-269-2481

Man Suffers a Brain Injury in a Motorcycle Accident

$6 Million Settlement

Our client was riding home on his motorcycle after work in Toronto. He was driving along a busy street when a motorist driving a truck turned left directly in front of him. Our client did not have enough time to stop or avoid the collision and he crashed violently with the truck. The police charged the driver of the truck with careless driving. Our client suffered a severe brain injury as well as serious orthopaedic injuries including a brachial plexus injury in the crash. 

The medical experts we retained indicated that our client would likely never work again because of his permanent physical impairments as well as his cognitive impairments from his brain injury. He would also require ongoing medical care and rehabilitation for the remainder of his life. We settled his case for more than $6 million shortly before the trial was to begin.